Venezuela Traditions

Venezuela Religion: Roman Catholic - 96%, Protestant - 2%, other.

The boundaries of the country on the Venezuelan maps differ from the data on the maps of other South American countries. This is explained by the fact that many border areas are not marked, and they claim to Brazil, Guyana and Colombia. Therefore, access to some border areas is not recommended.

Drug situation in the country is ambiguous. On the one hand, the government is making great efforts to prevent the cultivation of narcotic plants and transit through the country. On the other hand, to prevent the carriage can not be completed, large quantities of cocaine, heroin and marijuana transiting from Colombia to the United States and Europe. Therefore, along the Colombian border, and on Margarita Island are held regularly active steps to eliminate dens and dealers with close ties to Colombian rebels and drug lords.

In recent years the crime rate in Caracas and other major cities increased significantly. The high rate of unemployment and increasing poverty provoke the emergence of new criminal groups, which deal with local law enforcement agencies can not. Across the city at night is not recommended, as the urban center are considered unsafe, even in the evening. In areas with large concentrations of people of uncommon pocket theft and fraud, and increased the level of violent crime. Buses and informal taxis are not recommended for travel to Caracas, but the metro is considered one of the safer transport modes. The country has established a special Tourist Police Brigade, whose employees are obliged to help the tourists in all cases of collision with the local illegal elements. Employees of this unit wear special red berets, they can be accessed on any matter relating to the safety of foreign nationals. They must even escort tourists through the city or on the route.

Outside of Caracas security problems are not so sharp. Typically, in the province are quite unique security forces, something similar to the national squad, where the general maintenance of order is borne by local residents and police monitors violent crime and ensure the legitimacy of local authorities. Notable exceptions - a few cities along the Colombian border (San Cristobal, Puerto Ayacucho, Guasdualito). In beach areas, a relatively high level of robberies and petty crimes, but the small number of serious crimes.

To carry out all local rules related to the treatment in the law enforcement agencies in the event of a robbery, you must inform the police of any incidents. The police agent is obliged to put an application and provide a copy of the victim. Otherwise, it will not be accepted for consideration by any police department or court. When moving along the roads of the country must be in possession of identification documents (passport, driver's license, etc.) required for the numerous police checkpoints. Be in possession of any narcotic drugs is extremely dangerous, as local laws against drugs is extremely tough. Do not travel the country during the Venezuelan holiday season (Christmas and Easter holidays, Carnival and Holy Week). At this time, almost half the country is going somewhere, there is an acute shortage of tickets for all modes of transport and hotel accommodation.

Venezuela - Catholic country, so many local traditions are based on respect for Christian ethics. The Church here is the center of political, cultural and spiritual life, and the priest normally enjoy in the community of unquestioned authority. In the isolated inland areas still practiced the ancient tribal beliefs and value system is markedly different from the familiar to Europeans dogmas. However, Venezuelans are very tolerant of cultural and racial differences, and mixed marriages are extremely common, leading to the formation of original multicultural nation.

Spanish language is widespread, but English is used much less - to explain it is only possible in the business districts of large cities and on some islands of the Caribbean Sea.

The main center of all the local life - family. Venezuelans spend in the family is much more free time than even the inhabitants of the neighboring Spanish-speaking countries, and often even the men abandon their traditional hobbies in favor of children and the house, considering this is quite normal and even proud of the amount of time, giving the home. It is also very important and the release of the "whole family, whether it be a local carnival or Sunday mass. Usually in the same house are home to three generations of men, while older people have higher status. Grandma and Grandpa (abuelitos) care for children, especially if the parents are working, that is very common. They also often are caring for the kitchen and leisure family members. Many women are working in Venezuela, with no discrimination in this - the vast number had reached professional heights in his case, suffice it to say that they exceed the number of men in such important sectors of national economy, such as law, medicine and education (in local universities, the vast majority of professorships for women). They also play an active role in politics (the number of female congressmen country ahead of many countries in Latin America). However, on their shoulders and taking care of children, elderly family members and home.

Big houses are not uncommon. The Venezuelan government has long sponsored the market affordable housing, but recent economic difficulties have led to what many people can not afford good housing. Poor families are building their own "building" from which it fell, creating real slums around major cities, called "ranch". There is often no electricity, no water or sanitation. Many residents of coastal areas of Venezuela are building houses on stilts ( "palefitos"). In these plants dry and even missing some insects, so characteristic of the coast. In this area, houses are built of adobe bricks or limestone blocks. Some Indian peoples preference for unique types of traditional houses - "Yanomami" in the form of a huge round roof "Yano" and the walls, barely outlined woven mats. In one such house can accommodate up to 100 families, with each family has its own place. Some Indian peoples continue to adhere to their traditional way of life as a way of life and in work. For example, almost all "vayuu" in sales, "Yanomami" engaged in hunting and fishing, and "Pemón" - gathering and fishing.

Another focus of social life are numerous restaurants and cafes, which are vast. It discusses sports and political events, deals are concluded, or simply being unhurried conversation about everything that is at least some interest. Venezuelans like to eat outside the home (often - the whole family) and meet with friends in restaurants. It is possible that this is the reason led to the fact that in Caracas, more restaurants per capita than any other Latin American city.

As between themselves Venezuelans stressed polite and correct - common to many Latin American countries zapanibratstva here. However, in the course of many variants of nicknames, which are assigned interlocutors purely to simplify communication. By familiar to people (not friends) easily applied fairly colorful treatment like "my love" ( "Mi Amor"), or "my joy". Friends and familiar people use more explicit wording of the treatment, resembling rather a nickname, formed on the basis of external data interlocutor ( "fat man", "false flax", etc.) or some other memorable attributes. Some Venezuelan nicknames may seem rude, but it should be noted that in the local language there are many nuances that allow to give even humiliating at first glance, the word perfectly acceptable color.

Venezuelans have a peculiar relationship to time, even claiming that they live "in the Venezuelan time" ( "hora venezolana"). It rarely does much in a hurry, unhurried service in restaurants, and the conversation is long and lengthy. But the business problems are solved very quickly, punctuality valued highly enough, and always finish the conversation as "thorough", as though never with this man not see.

Football and basketball are extremely popular as a form of recreation, especially in priandiyskih areas. Venezuelan race-horses are among the best in the world, so the racing and other equestrian competitions are also among the national sports. Venezuelans like to spend their holidays at the beach or on the numerous freshwater lakes in the country, where they enjoy water sports, surfing, snokrelingom, snorkeling and fishing. Also extremely popular bullfights or "corrida de Toros. Stadium in the city of Valencia can simultaneously accommodate up to 27 000 people, no less modern arena in Maracay, San Cristóbal and Maracaibo. Most popular are cock-fights, the traditional national game called "bolyas-kriolyas" or "the Venezuelan bowling," well, and, of course, numerous musical performances, which are held here in abundance.


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