Ukraine Helpful Information

Ukraine Information office telephone network (total) - 07.
Telephone reference service: Kerch - (065-61) 2-15-70, 2-28-20, 2-15-70; Kiev - (044) 241-7-241, Lugansk - (0642) 544-583, 544 -100, 546-504, Lviv - (0322) 767-917, 763-991; Nikolaev - (0512) 057, 35-52-81, 35-95-76, 35-40-98; Sevastopol - (814 -- 2) 058, 76-41-11, 55-80-00; Simferopol - (0652) 061, 29-99-99; Kharkiv - (0572) 061, 14-00-61; Yalta - (065-4) 063 , 31-74-88, 31-65-45, 23-22-22 (HSE).
Supplemental airport - 006.
Long-distance calls (Ukraine and CIS countries) - 071.
International negotiations - 079.
Supplemental rail transport - 005 tickets - 083.

Emergency services
Fire - 01.
Police - 02.
Ambulance - 03.
Control and Rescue Service: Simferopol - 25-31-58 or 25-45-13, Sevastopol - 52-53-16 or 46-03-47, Yalta - 32-87-15, Alushta - 3-50-10, Theodosia - 7-15-73, Sudak - 9-43-80.


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