Madagascar Traditions

Madagascar Malagasy are extremely hospitable and welcoming to tourists, and without too common in Africa obsequious and humiliating begging.

When visiting any Malagasy home or ceremony is recommended to make small offerings (usually a bottle of rum, cigarettes, or any food), especially with regard to visiting cemeteries (money can not give!). By cherishing should also apply to many local taboos ( "Fadi"), but because they are different in different areas of the country, it is quite difficult. It is recommended to listen to the advice of conductors and tour guides.

Invitation to attend the commemoration ceremonies the spirits of ancestors is considered a great honor and give it should not (though the offerings in this case, increase). In the traditional beliefs of local residents every lake and the tree have their own importance and power. Remembrance spirits of ancestors ( "times") - a separate feature of local beliefs, according to local beliefs, the "times" have access to higher stages of life, are sources of wisdom and protect the living. Therefore necropolis, as well as the "holy places" where they can inhabit the soul of ancestors, often also prohibited to foreigners. At the sacred lake is prohibited to fish, smoke or eat pork, and women - walk in the pants. Nevertheless, women in Malagasy society enjoy equal rights with men, even saved some of the features of matriarchy.

A characteristic feature of local residents is also slow. Public transportation, for example, not move from their seats until the interior is filled - regardless of the schedule and how much time is required. The appointed hour for a specified meeting or event likely to start for half an hour, an hour later than planned, and the order in a restaurant will be carried out very late. Also fairly uniquely designated areas - no one will say "turn left", most likely direction will be indicated on the side of the world - turn to the northeast.

While the Malagasy formally use the same language and culture, the nation is divided into 18 fairly autonomous tribal, territorial boundaries are formed by the borders of the old kingdoms rather than ethnic ranges. Most Malagasy sufficiently sensitive for the inter-ethnic differences, but they never show it in everyday life, especially - in communicating with foreigners. Acute inter-ethnic conflicts in the country lacking. Recognized ethnic leader is the "royal people" gelding - residents of the central part of the island.

The crime rate is relatively low in Antananarivo, but some problems with security in the capital is - should not take a lot of money and leave valuables unattended. It is recommended to go sightseeing with a guide or as a group. In the provinces, the security situation is somewhat simpler, but there should always follow the advice of local accompanying persons.

In Madagascar, women tend to go, accompanied by her sister, brother or friends. A lone woman in the representation of a local resident, clearly refers to the representative of an ancient profession, with which everyone can learn. Prostitution, especially in tourist areas, is widespread enough, but the level of sexually transmitted diseases is very high.

You should not photograph military and police agencies.

System-level designations hotels in Madagascar is similar to the standard - all the hotels are divided into categories from 1 to 5 stars, but the hierarchy of a few countries - many of the "five-star" hotels on the level of service equivalent to the international standard "trehvezdochnyh. For undemanding tourists there is a system of inexpensive hotels "ravinalu", similar to camping in the international classification. Hotels have a high level in Madagascar are two types of tariffs: one for local citizens, and the other - is higher for foreigners (with payment in foreign currency).

Bargaining is accepted almost everywhere, but the Malagasy are usually not traded. Vendors rarely cunning or cheating when he saw an alien, so prices are always more or less balanced, and the discount is formed on the basis of personal preference seller to this kind of trade.

To bathe in the ocean without the risk can only be in the lagoons and on sites protected by coral reefs. In other similar locations constantly encountered sharks, and in the mouths of rivers and mangrove forests are inhabited by the dangerous reptiles. In areas of rainforest in some danger are mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects. Malaria occurs in almost the entire east coast of the country, while in some areas there are varieties of malaria parasites resistant against bigumalya, hingaminom and other traditional medicines. It is therefore recommended to start receiving anti-malarial drugs before departure and continue for several weeks after returning. In freshwater with oblong or stagnant water are found leeches (many of them in the rain forests) and pathogens of various diseases, so you can only swim in designated smoking areas.

In the summer, as in all tropical countries, darkness comes early enough - to 18.30 usually dark.

To visit the reserves required permit. Any form of logging, hunting or fishing in the reserves of the country is prohibited.


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