Japan Customs

Japan Import and export of currency is not limited (the sum of more than 10 million yen must be declared). Strictly forbidden to bring weapons, pornographic materials and drugs (for the import of drugs facing deportation and a lifetime ban on entering the country), as well as fresh fruits, vegetables, plants, animals and certain medications (particularly those containing 1-dezoksiefedrin), psychotropic substances, counterfeit securities securities and currency, books, journals, photographs, drawings and engravings, obscene, publications and other materials that undermine the social order of things and things that are harmful to the trade mark, copyright and patent rights, firearms and bladed weapons (except the cold and the sports the appropriate certificate), as well as food products of animal and vegetable origin.

Allowed duty-free import no more than 400 cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500 gr. tobacco, up to 3 bottles of alcoholic beverages (up to 0.7 liters.), up to 2 ounces (56 ml.) spirits, as well as other goods worth no more than 200 thousand yen. Prohibited the export of art and antiquities without the permission of the relevant authorities.


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