Ireland Traditions

Ireland If you want a nice Irish, say Grand (good), it is very Irish, and be sure to praise the Irish vodka under the name of a consonant with the name of our president - "Puccini" (accent on second syllable).

It's very interesting to come to Ireland at some of the local festivals are celebrated almost every month. In addition to the Christmas and New Year, celebrate the Irish: Day of St. Patrick - March 17, Good Friday - the last Friday before Easter, Easter Monday - the first Monday in May, the June holiday - first Monday in June, the August festival - the first Monday in August, October Holiday - the last Monday of October and the Day of St. Stephen - December 26.

Be sure to pack your umbrella, because a rare day in Ireland do without the rain. It is desirable that the umbrella was a bit stronger - the island is blown strongest ocean winds.


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