Iran Traditions

Iran When visiting the country should exercise some caution in the conduct and statements, so as not to offend the religious feelings of local residents. This particularly applies to clothing and relations between the sexes.

The country has adopted separate passage of men and women in public transport (even on a cable car or cash are often lined up two stages - male and female).

It is forbidden to photograph women, military installations and police. In general, if you have a desire to photograph someone - on the street (besides women) can simply ask for permission, and you'll be happy to popoziruyut and will consider it a wonderful prelude to a long and detailed conversation, which leads to an exchange of addresses and an invitation to visit.

During the lunar month of Ramadan, devout Muslims fast during the day and take food only after dark, so the usual course of events or business relations in this period is often violated. Many shops and restaurants do not work during the day, is strictly limited to smoking and drinking beverages.

The official holiday in the country - Friday, when not working facilities and most shops. They also do not operate on days of national and religious holidays.

Noisy behavior with lavish gestures and touch to the interlocutor, it is permissible in other Islamic countries, this can lead to serious trouble. Moreover, it is not even a religious norm, and the natural reaction of local residents, since the Iranians themselves sufficiently restrained in communication. But this does not mean that they are constrained and do not go to the contact with foreigners. Quite the contrary - with the usual respect for the local way of life of Iranians are very friendly and sociable.

Contrary to popular belief, no - no sign of oppression of women in the country to see fail. Restrictions on dress and behavior for women is a centuries-old tradition (do not forget about the country's history, which is thousands of times longer than in many other countries in the world), and themselves Iranian woman had not the slightest difficulty in their conduct and standards of dress. Moreover, recently the government of the country went to the set of relief measures in public life, why so many frightening "strict rules of Islam" really are not quite so harsh. Though, break them all the same should not.

Not accepted are standing or on the go, as well as to face the man engaged in food.

Bread is usually broken up with his hands. Take food, money and things should be right hand.

The underside of the legs should not be directed at someone - either side.

Handshakes taken only among close friends, although the Iranians themselves in dealing with foreigners willing to use this European tradition.

In the case of an invitation to visit a local resident should take some - or a gift (usually well suited flowers or souvenirs). It should be remembered that the Iranians are very punctual, so late for a meeting is not accepted. Signs of attention in relation to the hostess is not welcome.

Formed part of the population is familiar with European culture, including Russian. Along with this, the people, especially rural residents, still widely portrayed in the many superstitions, prejudices, the belief in evil and good spirits, in omens, charms, etc..

Official holidays and weekends in Iran:
  • December - February - Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice)
  • January - February - Islamic New Year
  • beginning of February - The suffering of Imam Jafar Sadeq
  • February - April - Ashura
  • February 11 - Day of Victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979
  • February 18 - birthday of Imam Reza
  • March 19 - Day of nationalization of oil fields
  • March 27 - Eid Ghadir-Hom (day naming his successor, Imam Mohammad Ali)
  • Late March - early April - Nouruz (Nowruz, the Iranian New Year) and Sizdah-be-Bedar
  • April 1 - Day of the Islamic Republic
  • April 17 - Tash
  • April - May - Arbain (The suffering of Imam Hussein)
  • June 4 - Anniversary of death of Imam Khamenei
  • June 5 - Day of Uprising Against the Shah
  • June 16 - Maulid (Prophet's Birthday)
  • July 4 - Day of the Prophet
  • August - October - Birthday of Imam Ali
  • September-November - Birthday of Imam Mahdi
  • September - December - The suffering of Imam Ali
  • October - Laylat al-Meyrazh (Ascent of the Prophet)
  • October - November - Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan)
  • November - The suffering of Imam Jafar Sadeq
  • December - February - Birthday of Imam Reza
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