Iran Money

Iran Currency - Rial, U.S. $ 1 = 9100 rials.

Iran has one of the countries in which there was a people's "financial reform. Its essence lies in the fact that all the money circulation is in a virtual monetary unit - fog.
1 Fog = 10 rials
All prices are written in Arabic numerals are shown in the fog. But speaking to foreigners, traders often use the price in rials. It must be very careful that, for example, do not get in the restaurant bill with a sum of 10 times expected! So do not hesitate to ask again for several times.

Official money changers are rare - the currency (dollars) can be changed or at the offices of the Bank Melli, which has an extensive network throughout the country, or from street money changers - asking about their whereabouts can be from any shopkeeper, who may himself readily and buy your dollars.

In large cities, centers of Astana (provinces) difficulties with the exchange does not occur.


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