Germany Customs

Germany Import and export of local and foreign currency is unlimited. Cash payments of more than 15 thousand euros must be declared.

For EU citizens traveling within the EU, customs restrictions are absent. For citizens of countries outside the EU, as well as for all categories of tourists, limited import of the following products:
- If goods are purchased in the EU country and they paid taxes and duties, the duty-free import of 800 cigarettes or 200 cigars or 1 kg. tobacco, up to 10 liters. spirits (over 22%), up to 20 liters. strong wine, 90 liters. table wine, 110 liters. beer and other goods valued at not more than 400 euros.
- If goods are purchased outside the EU - up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams. tobacco, up to 2 liters. table wine, up to 1 liter. spirits or 2 liters. alcohol strength up to 22% or 2 additional liters of still table wine, up to 60 ml. spirits or 250 ml. toilet water, and other goods in an amount not exceeding 60 euros.

The import of drugs, poisons and psychotropic substances, weapons. Prohibited the export of fuel, a journey by car to carry a spare canister should be no more than 10 liters.


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