French Polynesia Traditions

French Polynesia Islands of French Polynesia is practically safe for travelers. Crimes of material nature rarely recorded, but very quickly revealed, and understandably so - all the small islands in sight, and hide from the law difficult. And given the known linearity of local residents - and impossible. Police rigidly pursues all types of crimes committed against foreign nationals. However, one should always take safety measures against pickpockets, especially in areas of large concentrations of people to monitor their own stuff and take the usual precautions. On the islands there are notable pro-American sentiment at all levels - the greatest attention is paid to American tourists, everywhere prevails distinctive slang and customs. Some hotels are oriented at a rather tasteless style in design and cooking. Often, even French tourists was some disregard for everyone except visitors from the U.S., but is rather an exaggeration. Everywhere outside of Tahiti, any foreigner is a sort of sacred cow in India, therefore, relevant to all stressed polite and friendly. A ameriantsy .. Yes they are simply greater than all the others combined.

French Polynesia - a very expensive country. Taxes on personal income is not, but indirect taxes and duties are high, and most of the items and food products imported from neighboring countries to the closest of which more than half to two thousand kilometers. Many products and services are at 2 times higher than, for example, in Australia or 3 times higher than in nearby Cook Islands. Characteristic feature, which determines the level of prices in a given institution, is a symbol of his category icons of the dollar - an expensive restaurant is marked by an inscription "$$$$", a cheap budget - "$".

Milk and dairy products are usually pasteurized and safe for consumption. Meat, seafood and fish are considered safe, but still recommended that they consume only after a preliminary heat treatment, preferably hot. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and pre-processed and purified from fruit peel.

On most islands there is no danger to the health of animals. On some atolls, there are mosquitoes and sand flies "nono", but their bites relatively harmless. In the lagoons is found several varieties of sharks, mostly completely safe black shark, nurse shark and stingrays, moray eels, barracuda, sea urchins and other relatively dangerous animals. From outside the reef fauna and more aggressive, but for the whole XX century in French Polynesia have been recorded no cases of shark attacks on humans.

Because the climate is very hot, and solar radiation aggressively, it is necessary to take certain measures against solar radiation, thermal injury and dehydration. Recommended to bring sunscreen, hats and light cotton clothes that cover the body. Even when immersed in water can be strongly "burn" within an hour - a crystal-clear water acts as a focusing lens and did not save us from ultraviolet radiation.

On the atolls of Mururoa (Tuamotu Islands southern group) and Fangataufa (40 km south-east of Mururoa) for nearly 40 years conducted nuclear weapons tests. The French Government recommends to refrain from visiting these areas. However, the ships in those areas simply do not go, and airplane lease will be difficult.

Approximately 55% of the population of the islands - the Protestants, 30% - Catholics, about 6% - the Mormons, to 2% of the population identified themselves as Adventists, 2% - Buddhists and followers of Confucianism.


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