China Transport

China The main mode of transportation between the cities of China - the railway. In the passenger trains have four classes of cars: soft sleeping, sleeping hard, soft seating, sit tight. Tickets are checked at the entrance to the platform when boarding the train, when leaving the platform.

If in response to a request to sell the ticket response was received "Mayo" (no, not, I can not), it sometimes helps to answer "in suyyao" (must). If between the cities of no railways, we will have to take coaches. Trip by bus would be cheaper, but travel conditions will be far from comfortable.

Many hotels have their own coach, which can deliver customers to the airport and attractions of Beijing. Usually, tickets are sold in the lobby.

Taxi. In Beijing, a great many taxis. Taxis can be caught at any time of day. Money for the fare paid by the meter. Price per kilometer, depending on the class taxi ranges from 1.40 yuan to 2.50 yuan (sticker price for 1 km. Attached to the side window of the car). Starting price on the counter - a payment for the first 4 kilometers. While parking at night and during movement in a traffic jam fare increases. On the roof of a taxi installed yellow sign with an inscription in English TAHI. Recently a new type of taxi with a rate of 1.2 yuan per kilometer.

Metro. Beijing subway consists of two branches. The trip between the 2 stations is about 4 minutes. Important stop for tourists - it is the temple of the White Cloud Taoist examination (Bayyunguan), the Military Museum and the amusement park Shitszinshan. Login station - gray square cement building, the ticket price - 2 yuan. Hours: 5.00 - 22.30.

Bicycle - a favorite means of transportation pekintsev. In Beijing, more than 8 million bicycles. Morning and evening rush hours in the crowded streets of Beijing transport bicycles, which creates an amazing picture for the first time foreign tourists staying in China. In Beijing, a very straight road, so ride a bike is very convenient. Particularly convenient to ride a bike on the areas of traditional buildings, where a very narrow alleys. Fee for storage of bicycles parked 1.2 jiao. Some shops and hotels offer bikes for rent. Hotels usually require a deposit of 200-800 yuan, and take the bike for the use of hourly paid 4 yuan. Near shopping center "Saytek" (Zwick) is the office rental bike. Regular bicycle costs 5 yuan per hour, 40 yuan / day, mountain / high-speed bicycle - 8 yuan per hour, 50 yuan / day.

Drivers in China often ignore traffic rules, for paying attention to traffic lights, so the best way out of this situation - to pull themselves together and move confidently in the right direction. The Chinese themselves to cross the street without turning his head, ignoring any kind of transport.

Trishaw. Travel to Beijing, using the services of pedicabs - is an unforgettable event. Although rickshaws on duty at the hotel in anticipation of clients often ask for a fairly high price, but the ride is required.


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