Brazil Traditions

Brazil Main religion in Brazil - Roman Catholicism, but there are others: Jewish, Protestant, and African spiritualist religion.

Carnivals of Brazil are known throughout the world. Brazil - a Rio de Janeiro, and Rio de Janeiro - a famous carnival. The first carnival parade in Rio took place in 1840. In the late 20's the 20 th century in the city appeared first samba school, where during the entire preceding the February carnival, the carnival prepared statements by individual teams. Some schools have put up for carnivals to 4 thousand and 300 dancers, drummers, you imagine what a spectacle! No guide to Brazil is complete without photos of scenes parade of samba schools in Rio led to their luxuriously dressed, or, conversely, prefer costume of Eve "The Queen" and the crowd danced the night away Carioca. In Brazilian music, its unusual rhythm and melody, fused elements of Indian, African and Portuguese folklore, such as percussion instruments, giving the rhythm of the famous samba, fell to the Brazilians from their African ancestors. One of the symbols of Rio de Janeiro, which is known throughout the world, is a huge statue of Jesus Christ stretched out his hands over the city. Well, of course Rio de Janeiro, it is also great beaches, Copacabana - a favorite vacation spot for Brazilians and many tourists. Finest Hotels Brazil will welcome you. If Rio de Janeiro is a city of carefree revelers who spend time on the beach and football stadiums, the nearby São Paulo - is a symbol of economic power of modern Brazil.

Festivals and holidays: January 1 (Day of the universal commonwealth / New Year), January 20 (the foundation of the city of Rio de Janeiro), in April - Holy Saturday, April 21 (Tiradentes), May 1 (Labor Day), September 7 ( Independence Day), October 12 (Our Lady of Aparecida), 2 November (All Souls' Day), November 15 (Republic Day), December 25 (Christmas Day). And also:

February-March: Formula 1 race in São Paulo;
The second half of February: holidays in Manaus (Manaus);
April 16 th to 21 th: Independence celebration in Ouro Preto (Ouro Preto);
April 20: Indian Arrival in Recife;
In June 28 th to 30 th: Carnival in the Amazon;
From 10 th to June 25: Folk Festival in Belém, Manaus and Sao Luis;
Late June: a marathon in Rio de Janeiro;
July: festival of artists in Ouro Preto;
July: cinema festival in Gramado, in the south of the country;
In the 20's days of August: Folk Festival in San Luis and Belo Horizonte;
Late August: Folk Festival in Paraty;
In the 10 th days of September: a battle Guarapes in Recife;
In October, on Sundays: Folk Festival in San Luis.


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